Exploring Career Community

Exploring Career Community

At the beginning of your journey, you may not know exactly what your post-graduation goals will be.

Join the Exploring Career Community in Handshake to receive our emails featuring a sample of our upcoming programs, including our foundational workshops to get you started, as well as our on-campus recruiting, and job and internship opportunities. 

Join the Community

Foundational Workshops


A resume is important to have on hand for internships, jobs, and a variety of other opportunities. Learn the basics of constructing and maintaining a strong professional resume.

LinkedIn & Networking

We will cover both the basics of LinkedIn and developing a profile, as well as how to effectively network.

Job & Internship Search

Come learn about resources for sourcing opportunities, the application process, and how to strategize in order to know what to target.


Learn how to identify different types of interview questions, to effectively employ strategies that make responses to interview questions more memorable, and organizational research resources that will assist in preparation for an interview.

Getting Started

advisor speaking with a student
Meet with an Advisor
Make an appointment to talk with an advisor about how to get started.
a presentation with someone holding up their hand to ask a question
Learn the Basics
Attend our foundational workshops to learn how to create a résumé, network, job/internship search, and interview.
a hand showing the resume rubric
Get Résumé Ready
Let us help you put your best foot forward by getting your résumé ready.
student on computer
Explore Majors & Careers
Utilize our resources to explore potential majors and careers that interest you.
Employers talking to students at Career Fair
Attend a Program
Attend programs to explore your interests and network with professionals.
Student working with employer
Connect with Employers
Engage with organizations interested in hiring Spiders and apply for their opportunities.

Getting Started Worksheet

Utilize our Getting Started Worksheet to reflect upon your interests, skills, and experiences and develop next steps for exploring career possibilities.

Telling Your Story

The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) identifies eight career-readiness competencies as foundational to success in the workplace.

Consider how your academic and professional experiences are helping you to develop in these areas and utilize them as a common language to tell your story. A career advisor can help you practice identifying and articulating these skills in a professional context.

Career & Self-Development


Critical Thinking

Equity & Inclusion



