Erin Lowery
Erin earned her Bachelor of Arts from the College of William and Mary and her Master of Education from the University of Texas at Austin. Erin has worked at the University of Richmond since 2010 and currently serves as the Associate Director, Assessment & Planning, in Alumni & Career Services. In this role she administers surveys and conducts data collection and analysis for Career Services. Prior to her role in assessment, Erin served as a career advisor focusing on the accounting and consulting industries. She previously served as a career counselor at the University Career Center at Virginia Commonwealth University and a counselor at Rehab Perspectives, a private vocational rehabilitation company in the DC area.
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“Different Campuses, Different Offices, Different Missions, But Common Ground: Medical School and University Career Center Collaborations” (poster presentation) Association of American Medical Colleges Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2007.
“Three Letters of Student Career Success – CCA” Virginia Association of Colleges and Employers (VACE) Conference, Roanoke, Virginia, 2007.
“A new Spin on the Career Fair: The Career Development Conference” Virginia Association of Colleges and Employers (VACE) Conference, Portsmouth, Virginia, 2005.
National Association of Colleges and Employers
Gallup Strengths Coach, 2017
Myers Briggs Type Indicator Certified Practitioner, 2010
Strong Interest Inventory Certification, 2013
Tableau Desktop Specialist, 2023
Additional PublicationsNavarro, A., Lowery, E., & Kancitis, I. (2010). Writing An Effective Curriculum Vitae: A Module for Teaching and Grading Student CVs. MedEdPORTAL: http://services.aamc.org/30/mededportal/servlet/s/segment/mededportal/?subid=8101